Guarding the safety of children
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Our mission

Ridni is a Charity Fund whose mission is overcoming orphanhood and developing the institution of the family.

Our team has a long-cherished dream—we would like all the children to grow up in the family circle and have a happy childhood. To do so, we provide children and adults with psychological counseling, social support, and educational assistance. We give consultative support to adoptive parents, as well as for foster parents from family-type children’s homes.

Our highest value is safety and wellbeing of every child.This slogan is key to the activity of our foundation, because our work is aimed at ensuring that children grow and develop in safety and love.

According to our
100 000 Families received material and psychological assistance
2 Family-Type Children Homes for 20 children created in Lviv
6000 Children found a safe place abroad
>15000 professionals gained new knowledge for work with children
>100 000 Children Participated in educational and psychological projects.
>183 children can stay at the Center for Social Support of Children and Families "Ridni"
We are on Channel 24.
0 800 300 484